Service prices may vary based on length, shape, thickness, and the time required to complete your requested work. The prices listed are base prices. When you visit our salon, our front desk staff and technicians will provide more detailed information. We appreciate your understanding.
If you want to pamper your Prince/ Princess for a job well done, or just because he/she’s the light of your life, we are the place, let us give their hands and feet the attention they deserve, it will be comfortably fun and an unforgettable experience!
If you want to pamper your Prince/ Princess for a job well done, or just because he/she’s the light of your life, we are the place, let us give their hands and feet the attention they deserve, it will be comfortably fun and an unforgettable experience!
The Price on services are varies, depend on the length, shapes, thickness and the amount of time need to complete the work per your request. The price here are just basic price. When you come our Salon, our front desk staff and our technician will explain more detail. We appreciates your understand
Mon – Sat: 09:00 am – 07:30 pm